Workers Comp

Workplace injuries can happen in any industry and have life-altering impacts. From repetitive stress injuries to a slip and fall at work, we can help with it all. At Lang Chiropractic in Abington, PA, we provide customized care plans to help you recover from work-related injuries through your workers compensation benefits. Our team approach seeks to address pain, restore function, and prevent future problems so you can get back to work safely.


Chiropractic Care for a Workplace Injury

Chiropractic adjustments can help realign the musculoskeletal system after accidents and injuries. We use gentle techniques to potentially help mobilize restricted joints, reduce nerve irritation, relax muscles, and stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Chiropractic may help relieve post-injury pain and inflammation while restoring proper mobility and function. It may also help correct underlying joint and spinal problems to prevent reinjury.

Corrective Exercises for a Work Injury

We also incorporate corrective exercises to help rebuild strength, endurance, and stability. Based on your injury and job requirements, we may design custom exercise programs using stretching, core training, and more. Regularly monitored progression may help you regain function while avoiding re-injury.

Soft Tissue Mobilization

Soft tissue mobilization may help increase circulation, reduce muscle tension, and accelerate injury recovery. Soft tissue work may also help control post-injury pain and inflammation, so you can start gentle movement again.

Lifestyle Education

We also provide tailored lifestyle education to help prevent reinjury on and off the job. Advice may include proper lifting mechanics, ergonomic modifications, posture corrections, sleep advice, stress management, nutritional counseling, and potentially more.

Get Chiropractic Care from a Workers Comp Chiropractor Near You for a Workplace Injury or a Slip and Fall at Work

Don’t neglect work-related injuries. Early treatment may lead to the best outcome.

We can guide you through your workers compensation claim and help you get your benefits. Call us at Lang Chiropractic in Abington, PA, today to start your customized recovery plan. Our goal is to help you heal, restore function, prevent future injury, and get back to safely performing your job duties. Call us at (215) 884-9600 for chiropractic care from a workers comp chiropractor near you for a work injury or a slip and fall at work.

chiropractic spine


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