Common Personal Injuries Chiropractors Can Help With

personal injury

Chiropractors Treat Common Personal Injuries

Personal injuries, such as car accidents, bike accidents, and work injuries, are common. They can negatively affect your quality of life and be painful. However, if you or a loved one experiences a personal injury, our chiropractor at Lang Chiropractic in Abington, PA, can provide you with injury relief. Here are a few common personal injuries chiropractors treat.

Back Pain

Chiropractors are often used to complaints about back pain. Indeed, this medical problem is prevalent in the U.S. and across the planet. Around 16 million adults deal with back pain, affecting their ability to function appropriately in their daily lives. Those with back pain can experience sharp pain or a dull, consistent ache. It can happen if you lift a heavy object or experience an accident. Besides this, the spine can change due to age-related degenerative changes, and this can cause back pain to develop slowly.

Sprains and Strains

Chiropractic care can aid in a quicker recovery process. Sports and work injuries are often associated with strains and sprains. Although, you can improve flexibility and strength throughout your injured body parts. This improvement can help your tissues and muscles become healthier and promote healing. If you have a personal injury and need injury relief, our chiropractor in Abington, PA, can provide you with excellent treatment and advice.

Neck Pain

Your neck may not seem like a vital body part until it becomes injured. When this happens, you can have trouble doing everyday activities, such as being productive at work, getting enough sleep, and spending time with friends and family. In addition, constant discomfort can debilitate you. Causes of neck pain include poor posture, inactivity, and degenerative disorders such as spinal stenosis. According to research, chiropractic care is a highly effective treatment for managing neck pain. Plus, it's noninvasive and safe compared to other alternatives.

Contact Our Chiropractor in Abington, PA

Our chiropractor at Lang Chiropractic in Abington, PA, could help you! Contact us today at (215) 884-9600 to schedule an appointment. Ask our chiropractor about any further questions when you attend your consultation. We would be happy to assist you with anything you need.

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